9:30 AM - Welcome and Introduction by the workshop chairs (Angela Bonifati and Andrea Mauri).
9:45 AM - Keynote by Prof. Giuseppe Carenini. Title : Combining Large Language Models and Discourse Processing with a focus on HealthCare Applications
10:45 AM - Coffe break
11:00 AM - Keynote by Prof. Raymond Ng. Title : NLP tools for Understanding and Extracting from Clinical Documents
and User Generated Content
12:30 PM - Lunch @ Domus
3:00 PM - Keynote by Prof. Daniele Dell'Aglio. Title : On generating privacy-preserving health data
4:00 PM - Coffe break
18 February
9:30 AM - Keynote by Prof. Jie Yang. Title : Human-in-the-loop Generative AI for Health
10:30 AM - Coffe break
11:00 AM - Keynote by Prof. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. Title : Causal Reasoning and Constrained Generation with LLMs
12:30 PM - Lunch @ Domus
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